Monday, January 30, 2017

Yay for Marco Rubio (I find it hard to believe I just wrote that)

Dear Senator Murray - I do not usually get my news from Senator Marco Rubio. However, when I saw that Sen. Rubio had stated that The State Department has been prevented from talking to Congress, I was shocked. And I was thankful to Sen. Rubio for making this public. If this is true, I find it hard to believe that it is legal. It certainly is not a good omen. Congress _must_ be given the best information possible to do their job. NOT being able to talk to another office of government is an attack on our way of governance. I encourage your efforts to fight this kind of crazy politics. DJ Trump is President, not CEO of a corporation. Information must flow and be able to be vetted for accuracy. Not allowing State to talk to Congress is like Congress not being able to access news sources, the Library of Congress, their phones or the Internet. Thank you for being a light in the darkness that has descended upon our Nation. My sincere wishes for the best of health for you, your family and staff. GregRobin Smith

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